i still want that love that i’m scared for

2 min readJun 14, 2024

no matter how many times i get hurt by loving people, i won’t ever stop longing for someone to love me on my strongest and weakest days

love is indeed scary, the worst things can happen so fast. when you were just okay yesterday but the next day they are now tired of you and want to part ways. how am i supposed to love when people just flirt for fun? when people are no longer interested on being genuine?

even though how many times i say that i’m fine without having anyone and i’m contented of being alone, i still want to have someone who i can rant to about what happened about my day, to have a shoulder to lean on, and to be taken care of without the feeling like i’m begging for it.

loving yourself should always be a priority but what if there are times i want to be in someone’s embrace? to rant about my untold feelings? to be loved and to be assured that everything will be okay?

i guess i will always be that someone who’ll envy my friend’s love lives and be happy for them at the same time. i wish i can also experience being treated right just like the way they are loved, when will it be finally my turn to experience those things i see on the movies and books?




i write about my feelings. ✍🏻 @ninewrites on tiktok.